Zulhijjah, the month of true devotion
Zulhijjah is a sacred month in Islam. It is a month where we reflect on our relationship and connection with Allah. On how truthful we are as His servants. Are we doing what we are doing for His sake? Or are we doing what we are doing for the sake of dunya, our loved ones, our position or ourselves in the name of religion?
It is a time for us to reflect.
Eidul adha = the festival of sacrifice
‘Eid means ‘festival’ and adha means ‘to sacrifice’. Eidul adha reminds us about the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail ‘Alaihimassalam.
The story teaches us the importance of being a true servant of Allah by sacrificing our life according to Allah’s will.
Life is about Allah. It is to follow what He favours. It is about our responsibility as His servant and His khalifah. It is to love what He loves for us to do. It is to hate what He hates us to do. It is to accept totally the taqdir that Allah is our God; and there is no other God, except Allah.
Qurban is an act of slaughtering animals; goat, sheep, cow or camel. However, the true meaning of this ‘ibadah is to ‘slaughter’ our ego, pride and feeling that we are better and knowledgeable than Allah.
When Prophet Ibrahim ‘Alaihissalam offered his beloved son; Prophet Ismail ‘Alaihissalam, it showed that both of the Prophets were submitting completely to Allah; to His will and favours. They worked according to Allah’s guidance. They sacrifice what humans love most which are their offspring and themselves.
Are we willing to submit fully to Allah?
Here we are again. Tomorrow is the first of Zulhijjah. It is time for us to sit down and reflect on ourselves. Do we deserve to be called Allah’s servants? Do we really redha and accept Him as our Creator? Are we pleased with what Allah pleases with us?
It’s not the qurban of the goat or cow that Allah demands of us, but rather it is a representation of our taqwa / devotion which we raise in offer to Allah.
The real sacrifice is to redha and accept Allah as our God; who knows everything about us. Who knows what is best for us. Who deserved to be glorified and to be thanked for all the blessings.
We hope that this beloved month of Zulhijjah instills humility in our hearts.
That it anchors us to stay humble and remain in remembrance of Allah.
To trust Allah and His decree on us.
May Allah make us among His grateful servants. Amiin.
What should I observe during the first ten days of Zulhijjah?
Prophet Muhammad sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam has said about the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days." (Bukhari).
The first ten days of Zulhijjah are very sacred. Allah swears an oath by them in the Quran: “By the dawn; by the ten nights” [89:1-2]. This is an indication that the days are important.
But why did Allah take oath by these first days of Zulhijjah? Why are these days so important?
Month of Zulhijjah is the period where Muslims perform their Hajj; a pilgrimage which includes the running between Safa and Marwa and the qurban of animals.
It is the period that we are strongly urged to reconnect back with Allah. The whole learnings are about trusting Allah, sacrifice for Allah, doing good to others for Allah and remembrance of Allah.
Therefore, it is strongly encouraged by our Prophet Muhammad sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam to observe these recommended acts during these first days of Zulhijjah.
- Dzikr (remembrance Of Allah)
- Fasting
- Sacrifice
- Prayer
- Recitation
- Charity
- Takbir
Can I cut my hair / nails if I perform qurban this year?
Prophet Muhammad sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: “When the ten days (of Zulhijjah) begin and a person has an animal for sacrifice which he intends to slaughter, then let him not cut his hair or trims his nails”.
Imam Shafi’e encouraged and recommended for those who perform qurban to avoid cutting their hair and nails based on the Hadith. However, it is not compulsory.
Scholars have different views on this matter. Some view it as compulsory and others view it as encouraged but not compulsory.
To find more, please refer to this link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10151888403481329&id=91820156328
What is the day of ‘Arafah?
‘Arafah means ‘ to know’. The day of ‘Arafah is on the 9th day of Zulhijjah. The day which Muslim pilgrims gather at a place called ‘Arafah in Mecca. The day which is encouraged for those who are not performing pilgrimage to fast.
What does ‘to know’ refer to?
‘To know’ means to know Allah. To know that we are poor and only dependent on Allah’s grace. To know that we own nothing and everything belongs to Allah. Our wealth, our social status, our knowledge, our family and even ourselves are owned by Him.
To know that we need His mercy for our success in this dunya and akhirah. To know that there is nothing for us to be proud about because everything is from Allah. To know that a pure and sincere heart is what Allah looks at. To know that our heart belongs to Him. To know that sincerity is the key of paradise and Allah’s love.
The Prophet sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: "And there is no day better in the sight of Allah than the Day of Arafah."
We are also encouraged to make a lot of prayers on the day of ‘Arafah.
Prophet Muhammad sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam continued how Allah s.w.t described to the angels the conditions of His servants on the Day of Arafah, "Look at My servants. They have come from far and near, with hair dishevelled and faces covered with dust, to seek My mercy, even though they have not seen My chastisement. Far more people are freed from Hellfire on the Day of Arafah than on any other day.” [Hadith narrated by Ibn Hibban]
May Allah grants us a true knowledge of Allah through His Asmaul Husna, His Creations and through ourselves.
May we continue reaching out to Allah and be steadfast in our journey in finding Him.
May Allah choose us to be among His ‘arifeen. Amiin.
More info: https://muslim.sg/articles/193