Saffrons Qurban Questions and Answers RSS
Can I choose the colour of the goat for my Qurban?
Unfortunately, you are not able to request for a specific coloured goat to perform your Qurban on and we are unable to assist with such personalised requests. We should bear in mind also that there are different complexities on the grounds for our partner teams in the different countries. We want them to focus on the important work and objectives of Qurban, and not to get confused or distracted with additional requests. Be rest assured that the animals we perform Qurban on meets all the requirements and eligibility for Qurban. Wallahu'alam bissawab - Allah swt knows best.
Update on Qurban Dates
Salam to all dear Saffrons Qurban customers, We have received following updates from our partners in following countries: AFRICA Eid is on 20th July (Tuesday). Singapore time is 5-7 hours earlier than Kenya, Nigeria and Malawi. For qurban performed in Africa - All qurban will be performed on 1st and 2nd day insyaAllah (1st day in Kenya and Nigeria, 1st and 2nd day in Malawi) MEKKAH Eid is on 20th July (Tuesday). Singapore time is 5 hours earlier than Saudi. For qurban performed in Mekkah - Qurban will be performed on 1st, 2nd and 3rd day insyaAllah. ...
Welcoming Zulhijjah
Assalamualaikum to all, brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, SUNNAH TO ABSTAIN FROM TRIMMING OF NAILS AND CUTTING OF HAIR It is sunnah (recommended) to abstain from trimming our nails and cutting our hair if you are performing qurban this year. We take this opportunity to remind all our customers about this recommended practice. Some observe it and some don't. It is entirely up to you, and there is no penalty or sin if you do not follow this, insyaAllah. If you are following this practice, the duration of abstinence from cutting hair and trimming nails...
DOA for Offering Qurban
IN ENGLISH I, <Your Name>, assign Saffrons Qurban and their partners to perform the qurban of goat / cow for me (or other names) this year for the sake of Allah Taala. I also surrender the responsibility to distribute the meat from the qurban to the poor & needy in <country> IN MALAY Saya, <Nama Anda>, mengamanahkan Saffrons Qurban dan wakilnya untuk menyempurnakan ibadah qurban kambing/lembu bagi saya (dan nama-nama lain jika ada) pada tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.Saya juga menyerahkan amanah mengagihkan kesemua daging-daging qurban kepada fakir miskin di <country>.
Zulhijjah, the month of true devotion
Zulhijjah is a sacred month in Islam. It is a month where we reflect on our relationship and connection with Allah. On how truthful we are as His servants. Are we doing what we are doing for His sake? Or are we doing what we are doing for the sake of dunya, our loved ones, our position or ourselves in the name of religion? It is a time for us to reflect. Eidul adha = the festival of sacrifice ‘Eid means ‘festival’ and adha means ‘to sacrifice’. Eidul adha reminds us about the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet...